測試機器編譯環境:Linux 3.2.0-23-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP
書上的範例是適用於 Linux 2.4/2.6 版本的,因此在 3.2.0-23 核心下編譯會造成許多錯誤訊息,以下針對scull的編譯錯誤作一整理說明。
** Event 定義
Event是設備上主動發生或被動產生的事件,IPCam 設備會偵測系統上發生了哪些事件(Event),並讓用戶能夠訂閱此資訊。
An event is an action or occurrence detected by a device that a client can subscribe to.** Property 定義
Property是許多值(name value pairs)的結合,並且以 Event 的方式封裝。
A Property is a collection of name and value pairs representing a unique and addressable set of data. They are uniquely identified by the combination of their Topic, Source and Key values and are packaged like ordinary events. A Property also contains an additional flag, stating whether it is newly created, has changed or has been deleted.
| |(49184) <------------------ (80) ||44.855474000| GetDeviceInformatio |SOAP/ONVIF: GetDeviceInformation