本篇乃針對 Audio Unit Hosting Guide for iOS,摘錄個人閱讀後的心得整理。
Audio Unit 在 iOS Audio Frame Work 屬於底層的應用,其階層關係可參考下圖。
Audio Unit 提供了快速、模組化的音頻處理,但因為使用方式較複雜,Apple建議只有當具有下列需求時,才需要使用 Audio Unit
- Simultaneous audio I/O (input and output) with low latency, such as for a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) application
- Responsive playback of synthesized sounds, such as for musical games or synthesized musical instruments
- Use of a specific audio unit feature such as acoustic echo cancelation, mixing, or tonal equalization
- A processing-chain architecture that lets you assemble audio processing modules into flexible networks. This is the only audio API in iOS offering this capability.
Audio Units共可區分為四大類,並可細分為七種,可參考下表
參考下圖,Audio Unit 內部結構分為兩部分,分別稱作 Scope 與 Element,其中 scope 分為三種,分別是 input scope, output scope, global scope,而 element 則是 input scope 或 output scope 內的一部分。
下圖是一個 I/O type 的 Audio Unit,其輸入為麥克風,其輸出為喇叭。這便是一個最簡單的Audio Unit使用範例。
● The input element is element 1 (mnemonic device: the letter “I” of the word “Input” has an appearance similar to the number 1)
● The output element is element 0 (mnemonic device: the letter “O” of the word “Output” has an appearance similar to the number 0)
1. Audio Unit 初始化 ,有兩種初始化方式:
Method a. 直接使用 AudioUnit 進行初始化,
Method b. 透過 AudioGraph 初始化 AudioUnit。
由於大部分的使用情形都會用到 Audio Graph,所以建議還是透過 AudioGraph 使用AudioUnit,以下分別介紹兩種方式。
Method A
//Creating an audio component description to identify an audio unit
AudioComponentDescription ioUnitDescription;
ioUnitDescription.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
ioUnitDescription.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO;
ioUnitDescription.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
ioUnitDescription.componentFlags = 0;
ioUnitDescription.componentFlagsMask = 0;
//Obtaining an audio unit instance using the audio unit API
AudioComponent foundIoUnitReference = AudioComponentFindNext (
AudioUnit ioUnitInstance;
AudioComponentInstanceNew (
Method B
// Obtaining an audio unit instance using the audio processing graph API
// Declare and instantiate an audio processing graph
AUGraph processingGraph;
NewAUGraph (&processingGraph);
// Add an audio unit node to the graph, then instantiate the audio unit
AUNode ioNode;
AUGraphAddNode (
AUGraphOpen (processingGraph); // indirectly performs audio unit instantiation
// Obtain a reference to the newly-instantiated I/O unit
AudioUnit ioUnit;
AUGraphNodeInfo (
2. 設定屬性,可以使用下列 API
AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo, AudioUnitSetProperty, AudioUnitGetProperty, AudioUnitAddPropertyListener, AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserData
UInt32 busCount = 2;
OSStatus result = AudioUnitSetProperty (
kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount, // the property key
kAudioUnitScope_Input, // the scope to set the property on
0, // the element to set the property on
&busCount, // the property value
sizeof (busCount)
常用的 property 如下:
kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO // 預設 input is disabled
kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice// 預設是 1024,當鎖屏時要設定為 4096
3. 設定參數,可以使用下列 API
AudioUnitSetParameter, AudioUnitGetParameter
OSStatus result = AudioUnitSetParameter (
4. 設定 Audio Graph 時,有幾個重點需要注意,如下
- AUGraph 的所有命令都會被放在一個 todo list 內,直到呼叫 AUGraphUpdate,這些命令才會真的作用。
- 當呼叫 AUGraphStart 或 AUGraphStop時,會呼叫對應的 Audio Unit 的 AudioOutputUnitStart or AudioOutputUnitStop
- 可以使用不同的 Audio Unit 分別處理聲音。例如 spec 中的 Figure 1-5 便同時使用了 3 種 Audio UnitiPod Equalizer, Multichannel Mixer unit, Remote I/O unit
- 使用 AudioGraph 時,盡可能不要改變 sample rate
- 必須在某些點,自行設定 audio format。
- 系統也會在硬體輸入或輸出時,自行設定format,(uncompressed, in linear PCM format, and interleaved.) 最好是整個 audio graph 都用同一種 format
5. 設定 Audio Unit Render Callback Function
you must not take locks, allocate memory, access the file system or a network connection, or otherwise perform time-consuming tasks in the body of a render callback function.
Callback Function 原型如下:
static OSStatus MyAURenderCallback (
void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData
) { /* callback body */ }
若要輸出靜音,則要設定 ioActionFlags 與 ioData 如下
*ioActionFlags |= kAudioUnitRenderAction_OutputIsSilence;
and memset ioData to 0;
6. 有兩種方式可用來設定Audio Format
- 使用 AudioStreamBasicDescription(ASBD)
- 或是使用 CAStreamBasicDescription,此方式可以多設定三個參數。
7. 設定Audio Fomart時的注意事項
- Whether the stream is for I/O (SetCanonical) or for audio processing (SetAUCanonical)
- How many channels you want the stream format to represent
- Whether you want the stream format interleaved or noninterleaved
AudioUnitSampleType and AudioSampleType are not the same. In iOS, the former is 8.24 fixed point and the latter is SInt16.
kAudioFormatFlagsCanonical 與 kAudioFormatFlagsAudioUnitCanonical 的不同
kAudioFormatFlagsCanonical = kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat | kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked,
kAudioFormatFlagsAudioUnitCanonical = kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat | kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked | kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved,
8. 設定 Audio Graph 時,有以下預設的 Design Pattern 可供選擇
a. I/O Pass Through
b. I/O Without a Render Callback Function
c. I/O with a Render Callback Function
d. Output-Only with a Render Callback Function
e. Other Audio Unit Hosting Design Patterns
9. 無論選擇了哪一種design pattern,撰寫程式時仍需要依循以下步驟:
- Configure your audio session.
- Specify audio units.
- Create an audio processing graph, then obtain the audio units.
- Configure the audio units.
- Connect the audio unit nodes.
- Provide a user interface.
- Initialize and then start the audio processing graph.
10. 若需要即時的處理,可以縮短IOBufferDuration
There’s one other hardware characteristic you may want to configure: audio hardware I/O buffer duration. The default duration is about 23 ms at a 44.1 kHz sample rate, equivalent to a slice size of 1,024 samples. If I/O latency is critical in your app, you can request a smaller duration, down to about 0.005 ms (equivalent to 256 samples),
self.ioBufferDuration = 0.005;
[mySession setPreferredIOBufferDuration: ioBufferDuration
error: &audioSessionError];
11. 摘錄 Core Audio Glossary 的對於Frame與Slice的名詞解釋
In Core Audio, a set of samples that contains one sample from each channel in an audio data stream. In the most common case, the samples in a frame are time-coincident—that is, sampled at the same moment. For example, in a stereo stream each frame contains one sample from the left channel and a time-coincident sample from the right channel. More generally, the various channels in a stream, and therefore in a frame, may be from unrelated sources and may have originated at unrelated times. In video, a single image in a series that constitutes a movie. See also packet.slice
The number of frames requested and processed during one rendering cycle of an audio unit. See also frame.
摘錄自Audio Mixer
1 AUGraph processingGraph; 2 3 NewAUGraph (&processingGraph); 4 5 // I/O unit 6 AudioComponentDescription iOUnitDescription; 7 iOUnitDescription.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output; 8 iOUnitDescription.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO; 9 iOUnitDescription.componentManufacturer = 10 kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple; 11 iOUnitDescription.componentFlags = 0; 12 iOUnitDescription.componentFlagsMask = 0; 13 14 // Multichannel mixer unit 15 AudioComponentDescription MixerUnitDescription; 16 MixerUnitDescription.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Mixer; 17 MixerUnitDescription.componentSubType = 18 kAudioUnitSubType_MultiChannelMixer; 19 MixerUnitDescription.componentManufacturer = 20 kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple; 21 MixerUnitDescription.componentFlags = 0; 22 MixerUnitDescription.componentFlagsMask = 0; 23 24 AUNode iONode; // node for I/O unit 25 AUNode mixerNode; // node for Multichannel Mixer unit 26 27 // Add the nodes to the audio processing graph 28 result = AUGraphAddNode ( 29 processingGraph, 30 &iOUnitDescription, 31 &iONode); 32 33 if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphNewNode failed 34 for I/O unit" withStatus: result]; return;} 35 36 37 result = AUGraphAddNode ( 38 processingGraph, 39 &MixerUnitDescription, 40 &mixerNode 41 ); 42 43 result = AUGraphOpen (processingGraph); 44 45 result = AUGraphNodeInfo ( 46 processingGraph, 47 mixerNode, 48 NULL, 49 &mixerUnit 50 ); 51 52 result = AudioUnitSetProperty ( 53 mixerUnit, 54 kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount, 55 kAudioUnitScope_Input, 56 0, 57 &busCount, 58 sizeof (busCount) 59 ); 60 61 result = AudioUnitSetProperty ( 62 mixerUnit, 63 kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, 64 kAudioUnitScope_Global, 65 0, 66 &maximumFramesPerSlice, 67 sizeof (maximumFramesPerSlice) 68 ); 69 70 result = AUGraphSetNodeInputCallback ( 71 processingGraph, 72 mixerNode, 73 busNumber, 74 &inputCallbackStruct 75 ); 76 77 result = AudioUnitSetProperty ( 78 mixerUnit, 79 kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 80 kAudioUnitScope_Input, 81 guitarBus, 82 &stereoStreamFormat, 83 sizeof (stereoStreamFormat) 84 ); 85 86 result = AudioUnitSetProperty ( 87 mixerUnit, 88 kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, 89 kAudioUnitScope_Input, 90 beatsBus, 91 &monoStreamFormat, 92 sizeof (monoStreamFormat) 93 ); 94 95 result = AudioUnitSetProperty ( 96 mixerUnit, 97 kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRate, 98 kAudioUnitScope_Output, 99 0, 100 &graphSampleRate, 101 sizeof (graphSampleRate) 102 ); 103 104 result = AUGraphConnectNodeInput ( 105 processingGraph, 106 mixerNode, // source node 107 0, // source node output bus number 108 iONode, // destination node 109 0 // desintation node input bus number 110 ); 111 112 result = AUGraphInitialize (processingGraph); 113 114 AUGraphStart (processingGraph);
- AudioUnitHostingGuideForiOS.pdf
- Core Audio Data Types Reference
- Audio Unit Properties Reference
- Audio Unit Component Services Reference
- Audio Unit Processing Graph Services Reference